FLOW with De Lune

FLOW with De Lune

Flow sits down with De Lune founder Mimi Millard! Necessity is the mother of invention, and the need for better period support set Mimi Millard on a mission, to make it so “it’s your period - not a problem”.


DeLune’s evidence-based natural herb ingredients combinations for both PMS (mood) + Dysmenorrhea (physical cramping). Mimi and her team also rally to denormalize period pain and are embarking on a clinical research project to better understand the period burden (aka the downstream effects of period symptoms)!


Tune in for tips for self study, shared discoveries and to be part of the growing menstrual awareness movement! FLOW is  with straight talk about extreme periods; monthly episodes the second Thursday of each month!

Program Notes:

FLOW is sponsored by Takeda, the manufacturer of a treatment for adults with von Willebrand disease. To see if this treatment might be right for you and your needs, visit: https://ssshare.it/2rnK 

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BloodFeed: bloodfeed.com

Bombardier Blood: bombardierblood.com

Hemophilia: The Musical: breakingthroughhemophilia.com

My Beautiful Stutter: mybeautifulstutter.com/

Stop The Bleeding!: stbhemo.com

Teen Impact Awards: teenimpactawards.com

The Science Fair: thesciencefair.org

Keith Korneluk